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International Workshop Agreement (IWA) | Sustainable Critical Minerals Supply Chains

As we strive to meet net zero carbon emissions, the role of critical minerals in the supply chain is becoming increasingly vital. The ISO Strategic and Advisory Group (SAG) on Critical Minerals has identified the need for coherence on sustainability principles related to these minerals.  

The SAG believes there is a need for significant global collaboration to align on effective industry activities that meet international requirements, while adhering to sustainability principles.

Based on these findings, Standards Australia is hosting several workshops across 2024 to develop an ISO International Workshop Agreement (IWA). The purpose of this IWA is to address issues in the supply chain, assist in understanding the range of sustainability tools available, and find ways to improve and support sustainability outcomes.

Preparation for Workshop Two

The first workshop took place in Tokyo, Japan 15-16th February 2024. We have prepared a briefing video that provides a summary of workshop one and its outcomes as well as an overview of the topics to be discussed at the next workshop. Please take some time to watch this video before the event.

Your Input Matters

Should you have any questions or points you would like to discuss during the event, please fill out this quick form. Your input will help shape the agenda and ensure a productive discussion.