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Submitting a Proposal

Standards Australia has different proposal options available to best suit your standards development requirements.

Find the appropriate proposal form for your needs below.

Getting Started

Type of ProposalProposal Form / Link
1. Revision of an existing standard

2. Creation of an entirely new standard

3. Identical adoption of an international standard

4. Modified adoption of an international standard
Create/Submit Project Proposal

NOTE: You will need to log in to your Standards Australia account in order to create/submit a Project Proposal. If you do not already have a Standards Australia account you can register here.

In November 2023, Standards Australia retired the Microsoft Word proposal forms.

5. Proposing Australian participation in an international standards committeeInternational Participation
6. Propose that a Technical Writer or Committee Facilitator is appointed to support standards development projectsTechnical Writer or Committee Facilitator

Stakeholder Engagement Managers can provide guidance and advice regarding the requirements and completion of a proposal form. They can also provide information on work underway in your sector of interest and the various pathways for development.

Video - Project Proposal Portal

This video series will guide you through the process of submitting a project proposal.

Overall process: Part 1  

Overall process: Part 2

Editing draft proposals  

NCC Referenced proposals

Watermark Referenced proposals  

Providing feedback on proposal open for consultation

Preparing Your Proposal

All projects are selected based on four key criteria:

  1. Net benefit case
  2. Well-defined scope of work
  3. Stakeholder consultation and support
  4. The availability of Standards Australia resources

For assistance in understanding the process, please contact one of our Engagement Managers.

Project Resourcing

1. Resourced through Standards Australia
This option makes use of our resources, expertise and infrastructure to develop standards. Stakeholders are required to commit and actively contribute to projects over a set period of time.

2. Externally Funded
The Externally Funded pathway offers stakeholders access to additional services and administrative support through the standards development process. This may include:

  • Access to independent facilitators and technical writers to help with complex and/or contentious technical committee project work.
  • Additional support for international participation.
  • Standards development roadmap activities with stakeholder input to identify:
  • Potentially relevant standards
  • Gaps and opportunities for new standards
  • Openings for international participation and adoption
  • Sponsorship of Standards Australia led forums and events

This pathway operates on a fee for service basis and by way of formal agreement with Standards Australia.

Note: The provision of external funding does not give the funding entity or any party preferential treatment or consideration in relation to the technical content and outcome of the standards development process. Standards Australia develops all Australian Standards in accordance with its Standardisation Guides, regardless of the source of funding.

When to Submit

Standards Australia now accepts all types of proposals at any time throughout the year.

Proposals that meet all key quality criteria will be assessed and resourced on a monthly basis.

For further information or if you have any queries, please contact one of our Engagement Managers.