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License content

We are currently experiencing a high volume of customer inquiries, which means we may take longer than usual to respond to queries. We appreciate your patience as we work to respond to queries as quickly as possible.

Our Licensing Team assists businesses to secure proper permissions for the use of standards through copyright licence agreements. Agreements can range from usage of specific extracts to fully editable and customisable contract standards.

By removing the risk of copyright infringement, your business can achieve a level of confidence around your training materials, business instructions, reports, tenders, and contracts.

Make an enquiry

To get started, simply complete our enquiry form. From here you can:

  • Enquire about licensing the use of our AS4000 series editable contract standards
  • Enquire about reproducing Standards Australia content in your training materials, reports and presentations

If you’re unsure about any details, just share what you know, and we’ll help you with the rest to ensure you get the solution that best fits your needs.

To find out more about contract standards, please visit our FAQ page.