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How to Participate

Standards Australia couldn’t do what we do without specialist knowledge.
We bring together more than 5,000 technical, business, academic, government and community experts to form technical committees.
Representing their industry, consumer associations, government, scientific or academic institutions, these committee members are nominated by organisations.
These nominating organisations are the lifeblood of Standards Australia, and we work with more than 1,200 of them.

Become a Committee Member

A technical committee will work on a few projects each year. These might include revising existing Australian Standards® and technical documents, assessing International Standards for adoption in Australia, or drafting new standards for emerging industries.

A committee consists of technical experts representing various interest groups. We refer to these stakeholder groups as nominating organisations.

Nominating organisations appoint individuals as their representatives on technical committees. The organisation can approach potential nominees or individuals can approach the organisation.

Contact one of our Stakeholder Engagement Managers to discuss participation in your industry.

Codes of Conduct

By working with Standards Australia, nominating organisations and committee members recognise and agree to fulfill their obligations and duties when developing Australian Standards.

Standards Australia has a code of conduct for all committee members and nominating organisations. The codes apply to all participants involved in the development of standards.

The following codes aim to streamline and maximise efficiency in standards development processes.

  1. Committee Member Code of Conduct
  2. Committee Member Guide
  3. Nominating Organisation Code of Conduct
  4. Nominating Organisation Guide
Two forms from the Nominating Organisation Guide are available below:
  1. Nominating Organisation Representative Nomination Form - Template.docx
  2. Nominating Organisation Representative Report - Template.docx