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Standards Australia Limited is a company limited by guarantee and registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. As a company limited by guarantee Standards Australia Limited has non-financial Members rather than shareholders.

Standards Australia Limited was incorporated on 1 July 1999, having been formed from the Standards Association of Australia, a body incorporated by Royal Charter in 1950 that had initially commenced operations in 1922.

The Commonwealth Government recognises Standards Australia as Australia's peak non-government national standards body.

A copy of our Constitution and Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Government are available at the following links:

Our Members

Standards Australia’s Members are drawn from bodies and organisations involved in the development and use of standards; and have an interest in the outcomes of Standards Australia’s activities generally.

Applications to become a Member of Standards Australia are welcomed from Government Agencies or Departments and organisations with registered ABNs in Australia, including not-for-profit organisations; professional associations; member associations; universities;  peak bodies; and/or industry associations.

Applications are reviewed for eligibility by the Board’s Membership Committee prior to being submitted to the Board for consideration.

To be eligible for Membership, an applicant must provide the information set out in Standards Australia’s Membership Application form, and in the view of the Board, be able to make a positive contribution to the Company having regard to one or more of the following factors:

  • the applicant has a demonstrated capacity to make a positive contribution to the Company;
  • the applicant has a demonstrated capacity to use its influence to support the Company;
  • the applicant has demonstrated breadth of focus (which does not conflict with the objects of the company);
  • the applicant has a demonstrated standing in the community; and/or
  • the applicant has made a demonstrated contribution to standards development.

Enquiries regarding how to apply to become a Member and requests for a Membership Application form are welcomed by Standards Australia and should be directed to our Company Secretary.

Our Board

As Australia's peak Standards body, the Board places a high priority on corporate governance.

The governing body of our organisation, the Board provides oversight within the framework of relevant legislation (including the Corporations Act and Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act), the Constitution and the Board Charter.

Other Board responsibilities include setting and reviewing the company’s strategic direction, monitoring organisational performance, the appointment of the CEO and deciding on key policy positions.

The Board currently comprises 6 Directors elected by Members and 1 Director appointed by the Board.

Our Board Committees

Four Committees assist the Board in exercising its responsibilities and provide it with recommendations and advice. These Committees are the:

  • Finance, Investment & Audit Committee (Charter, PDF)
  • Membership Committee (Charter, PDF)
  • People Governance & Risk (Charter, PDF)
  • Standards Development & Accreditation Committee (SDAC) (Charter, PDF)

The Membership Committee and SDAC are the only Board Committees that comprise Directors and external members. SDAC external members are elected by Members of Standards Australia or appointed by the Board. Membership Committee external members are Member representatives elected by Members of Standards Australia. View our Election and Ballot By-Laws (PDF).

In keeping with good governance principles, Members of the Board and its Committees are expected to:

  • maintain impartiality, act in good faith and in the best interests of the organisation.
  • comply with our Disclosure of Interests Policy (PDF) and disclose any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest as they arise and treat any information obtained as a Committee Member as confidential information.
  • refrain from using any information received for the benefit of themselves or any other person or entity they are connected to.

Standards Development and Accreditation Committee members

Enzo Alfonsetti
Head of Gas Installation and Equipment Safety, Regulatory Operations, Energy Safe Victoria
Simon Croft
Chief Executive, Industry & Policy, Housing Industry Association Ltd (HIA)
Alison Drury
General Manager, Trade and International Branch, Strategic Policy Division, Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Annette Hoskin
Global Director Standardisation, EssilorLuxottica
Marlene Kanga AO
SDAC Chair | Director, Standards Australia
Louise McGrath
Director, Standards Australia | Head Industry Development and Policy, Australian Industry Group
Ian Oppermann
Director, Standards Australia | Industry Professor at UTS
Colin Sheldon
Advisory Manager at Aurecon, in the Asset Management & Performance team
John Styzinski
Head of Accreditation Services, NATA
Stephanie Tonkin
Chief Executive Officer, Consumer Action Law Centre

Membership Committee members

David Armston
Executive Director, Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia (BOSMA)
Nick Koukoulas
Director, Standards Australia
David Millar
Chief Executive Officer, Concrete Institute of Australia
Ian Oppermann
Membership Committee Chair | Director, Standards Australia | Industry Professor at UTS

Technical Governance

Information regarding Standards Australia's technical governance and standards development process can be found on our Standardisation Guides page.

View Standards Australia's Nominating Organisation Responsibilities and Code of Conduct (PDF).