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Standardisation Guides

Our Standardisation Guides set out the policies and processes for the development of standards and other technical documents.

Preparing Standards (SG-001)
This guide describes general policies and processes for both Australian and joint Australian/New Zealand Standards.

Structure and Operation of Standardisation Committees (SG-002)
This guide describes:

  • The basic structure of committees,
  • The processes by which committees are set up and maintained.

Standards and Other Publications (SG-003)
This guide describes:

  • The range of possible outcomes from the standardisation process,
  • The purpose and structure of Standards,
  • Other technical publications.

Roles and Responsibilities in Standardisation (SG-004)
This guide describes the operational roles and responsibilities of all participants, including:

  • Committee members,
  • Nominating organisations,
  • Project managers.

Technical Governance and Advisory Structures for the Standards Development Process (SG-005)
This guide describes the governance of Standards Australia’s development activities.

Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Australian Standards® (SG-006)
This guide describes rules for the structure and drafting of both Australian and joint Australian/New Zealand Standards.

Adoption of International Standards (SG-007)
This guide describes the adoption process of International Standards as Australian or joint Australian/New Zealand Standards.

Committee Dispute Avoidance and Resolution (SG-008​)
This guide describes:

  • Strategies for minimising, and where possible avoiding, disputes that prevent consensus from being achieved between committee members,
  • A framework for proactively and effectively resolving disputes that cannot be avoided, through the use of collaborative problem-solving techniques.

Preparation of Standards for Legislative Adoption (SG-009)
This guide describes:

  • How standards should reflect the needs of the Australian community and government,
  • Guidelines for committees developing standards that may be referenced in Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) legislation to ensure consistency with legal requirements in Australia,
  • How to develop Australian Standards® referenced by water utilities that meet their contractual or regulatory requirements.

Australian Involvement in International Standardisation (SG-015)
This guide describes:

  • Australia's participation in preparing international Standards through ISO and IEC,
  • A summary of the international procedures.

Participation by Consumers in Standardisation (SG-020)
This guide describes the role of the consumer representative on a technical committee.

Competition Law Guidelines

Our Competition Law Guidelines set out how matters of market competition are dealt with through the standards process.

Patent Policy and Licensing Declaration

Our Patent Policy outlines how patents may be incorporated into standards or other technical documents. The Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration Form supports this policy and is to be completed by patent holders when patent rights are being considered as a requirement of a standard or other document.

View patent declarations submitted to Standards Australia.