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Linking Policy

Guidelines for linking to our site

You are welcome to put links on your web site pointing to the Standards Australia Limited web site. We request that you adopt the following guidelines for linking:

  • Links to Standards Australia's site should usually be to the home page, i.e.
  • Linking to other parts of the site poses some risk, as the page or service to which you link may move or become unavailable.
  • The correct name for the site is Standards Australia Limited.
  • The Standards Australia logo and its variants are registered trade marks and subject to copyright. They may only be used by permission (see Republishing material from our site and our Copyright statement.)

What we do not allow

You are welcome to put links on your web site pointing to the Standards Australia Limited web site. We request that you adopt the following guidelines for linking:

  • unlawfully use any of our copyright material; or
  • pass off content from our site as your own. This includes the practice of 'Framing' our site within another site as well as copying and re-using parts of the site.

Republishing material from our site

If you wish to republish any material from the Standards Australia site you must seek written permission, unless the material is marked otherwise.


The content of Australian, ISO and IEC Standards and other publications is subject to copyright and all rights are reserved. No part of these publications may be reproduced, copied, stored, distributed or transmitted in any form, or by any means, including photocopying, scanning, or other mechanical or electronic methods without the prior written permission of Standards Australia.

To seek permission, please Submit an Enquiry form .

Who we link to

Generally speaking, links are restricted to kindred organisations, such as professional bodies, industry bodies, government and regulatory entities, organisations which nominated members to technical committees, other standardising organisations, and Australian overseas and international organisations which can be described as contributing to the world’s technical infrastructure. We generally don’t provide links to commercial sites.