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Meet Reena Subramaniam: NEXTgen 21/22 participant

May 9, 2022

As the 2021/22 NEXTgen cohort near graduation, we’ve interviewed three participants to gain greater insight into their standards journey and how the Standards Australia NEXTgen program is helping shape their future.

Interested in learning more about NEXTgen? Applications are open for 2022/23 until 30 June 2022. Click here to find more detail and submit your application.

What do you do for work? How did you get into this role?

Currently I work for Rheem Australia Pty Ltd as Certification Manager. Prior to Rheem, I was attached to Dyson as Senior Compliance and Approvals Engineer as part of the global compliance team. My responsibilities at both companies were to ensure products develop and manufactured complies with regulations and standards requirement. The skill sets that I have attained at Dyson and my passion for product compliance was helpful to get me into the current role at Rheem.

How do standards impact and interact with your industry?

Standards have always been a big part of engineering and my career over the last 15 years. It’s very crucial for any engineering business as they provide fundamental design and manufacturing guidelines to deliver products that are safe, reliable and consistent.

What was your standards knowledge like before starting with NEXTgen?

I had very good knowledge of standards that I deal with day to day. However, I did not have much knowledge on the process that were involved with standards development.

What has surprised you the most about standards development?

It really surprised me how much work has been put in during the development of each standard. Each stage of the development process really fascinated me.

What have been your key benefits and takeaways from the NEXTgen program?

My key benefits were in-depth understanding of the standards development process, the importance of personal branding and most importantly networking. The opportunity to observe other committee meetings was extremely helpful to understand the structure and etiquette of the meetings.

What advice do you have for those considering applying to the 2022-23 NEXTgen program?

Definitely do it! The NEXTgen program builds your knowledge and confidence in standards development if you are keen on participating in committee representing your industry. This will be your channel for voice and escalation. Great exposure to anyone keen.

Read more about our 2021/22 NEXTgen participants:

Click here to meet Roger Tang

Click here to meet Amrita Badhan

Click here to read more about Standards Australia’s NEXTgen program

Jess Dunne
Communications Manager

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Jess Dunne
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 9237 6381
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Chief Marketing Officer
+61 2 9237 6041