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Smart standards for smarter cities

April 6, 2020

In the 1980s home computers began gaining popularity and became common household items. They helped to share music, information, stay connected and have very quickly evolved to be essential pieces of equipment to live our daily lives.

Smart Cities is a broad goal; the bigger, more complex and data driven version of our 1980s household computer. Helping to promote an efficient and sustainable planet through the interconnected nature of technology and human life.

I am proud to have been working so close with our Smart Cities Standards Reference Group who have been integral in the adoption of international standards related to Smart Cities. The three recent adoptions, which cover resiliency indicators, quality of life and sustainable  management systems, aim to assist the Australian Government, and their state and territory counterparts, as well as local councils to build more sustainable, resilient and adaptable cites.

New technologies are being developed and implemented everyday to support the progression toward smart cities and according to Dr. Ian Oppermann, NSW Government Chief Data Scientist and Industry Professor at the University of Technology Sydney, “Standards are vital in helping ensure structure and best-practice in the implementation of new technologies.”

The last few months, more than ever, have shown us cities and the larger Australian and International communities are facing varied challenges including, but not limited to, environmental changes, economic instability and population growth. These standards intend to provide clear criteria for cities to measure and compare their strengths and weaknesses in facing these challenges.

The international standards in Smart Cities adopted include:

  • ISO 37120 Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for city services and quality of life
  • ISO 37123 Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for resilient cities
  • ISO 37101 Sustainable development in communities — Management system for sustainable development — Requirements with guidance for use

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