Top 5 new technology standards to support industry

As the adoption of new technologies accelerates, Standards Australia and its expert contributors continue to develop and publish standards to support rapidly evolving industries.
Standards Australia released its Data and Digital Standards Landscape report in July 2022 to highlight ongoing work for emerging technology standardisation. The report states that 4000 new standards will be needed in the next 10 years to keep pace with rapid technological transformation.
In the past three months, Standards Australia’s committees have published more than 65 standards – many of them related to technology.
Here is an outline of the top 5 newly published technology standards:
1. ISO/TR 3242:2022, Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Use cases Blockchain technology has become important in recent years, enabling global transactions and the creation of a cryptocurrency industry.
ISO/TR 3242:2022, provides a principle for analysis, and a template that brings together attributes of various use cases to enable comparison and review.
This document summarises usage patterns for characteristics of distributed ledger technologies (DLT), including the blockchain, to help in the development of standards and technology.
It provides guidance to decision-makers who are involved or intend to use these modern technologies on specific applications and processes, such as academia, government, technical and standards bodies.
2. ISO/IEC 29120-1:2022 - Information technology - Machine-readable test data for biometric testing and reporting - Part 1: Test reports Biometric testing are simple screening tools that can provide information about personal health easily and conveniently and have become an important asset to the health sector.
This standard sets out machine-readable records for documenting the result of a biometric test. It does not specify the format of biometric samples or templates used in a test.
The ISO/IEC 19795 series is complementary to ISO/IEC 29120-1:2022 and provides the formats for data that are to be reported and the reportable metrics.
3. SA TR ISO/IEC 24027:2022, Information technology- Artificial intelligence (AI)- Bias in AI systems and AI aided decision making Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks – it has potential to significantly enhance human capabilities and is already becoming a valuable business asset.
The aim of this standard is to articulate best practices that can detect and address bias in AI systems or in AI-aided decision-making. It describes the measurement techniques for assessing bias.
This document is an identical adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24027:2021, which addresses and treats bias-related vulnerabilities. 4. ISO/IEC 27001:2022, Information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection - Information security management systems – Requirements
4. ISO/IEC 27001:2022, Information security, cybersecurity, and privacy protection - Information security management systems – Requirements

Cybersecurity, privacy and data protection are becoming increasingly important as organisations and individuals face numerous cyber-attacks and threats.
This standard provides the requirements for creating, sustaining, and constant development of an information security management system within an organisation.
It also specifies requirements for assessing and treating threats to information security in line with the needs of the organisation.
5. ISO/TS 37172:2022 - Smart community infrastructures - Data exchange and sharing for community infrastructures based on geographic information Smart community infrastructures support the operation and activities of our increasingly ‘smart’ and more sustainable urban communities, helping to manage energy distribution, transportation, resource management systems, ICT infrastructure, etc.
ISO/TS 37172:2022 provides a structure for data exchange and sharing between stakeholders based on geographic information for smart community infrastructures, with specific scenarios on usage.
Some of these standards are international adoptions, modified to suit Australian consumers and industries.
In addition to our work on technology-associated standards, we are also pursuing other work in technological fields, including:
- Critical and emerging technologies, click here for more information.
- Smart devices cybersecurity labelling scheme click here for more information.
- Digital Engineering – Shifting the paradigm in the construction sector report, for more on the report click here
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