Doug Crawford

Mr Crawford is well known within the world of standards. He first received a Standards Award in 1999 for housing construction standards and is now being recognised as the 2022 recipient of the W.R Hebbelwhite Medal. He is highly regarded in the construction industry and has contributed to a variety of related standard committees.
Named after Australia’s first and longest-serving Chief Executive Officer, the W.R Hebblewhite award honours tremendous contribution and foresight in a specific field. Each year this is awarded to an individual who has made an exceptional and dedicated contribution to standardisation — nationally and/or internationally.
Doug Crawford is the 2022 award recipient.
Principal at The Marron Consultancy and a long-serving member of the Standards Australia community, Mr Crawford has a long tenure developing and supporting standards, having held the chair position on the BD-036 Scaffolding committee since 18 August 1987. A role from which he has only recently retired.
“I first got acquainted with standards in the early 1980s through my work, and I haven’t looked back since then. Accidents happen without standards, their importance is paramount, and all building, construction and scaffolding sites should be aware of the risks and dangers. Peoples’ safety is something we cannot take lightly,” explained Mr Crawford.
Over the last few decades, Mr Crawford has been instrumental in the development and maintenance of the Scaffolding standards portfolio. He has been a trusted chair of several committees, including BD-043, Formwork, BD-092, Temporary Edge protection — Construction, and SF-013, Platforms, Gangways, Stairways and ladders.
An exceptional chair, highly respected by all members of the Scaffolding committee, he has been the driving force in developing scaffolding standards and ensuring they are kept up to date.
His work was previously recognised with The Standards Award in 1999 for Housing construction standards.
“The W.R Hebblewhite Medal was completely unexpected, and I’m honoured to be recognised with this award. I had the great privilege of acting as Committee Chair for BD-036 for 35 years, and while in this role I was very ably supported by keen and knowledgeable members of the industry and the Standards Australia Project Managers. It is wonderful to receive this award and I thank the many people who supported me across my tenure with Standards Australia,” said Mr Crawford.
Outside of his work with the scaffolding committee, Mr Crawford is well known and respected in the industry and has been called upon on many occasions to assist counsel and provide evidence at judicial enquiries.
“Doug is truly a well-deserving recipient of this award, having held the chair position on BD-036 since 1987. He has just recently retired after an extraordinary career and service to Standards Australia. We believe it is imperative for Standards Australia to acknowledge such outstanding achievements and commitment from our committee members and in doing so, we aim to inspire the next generation of Standard’s heroes to contribute in the same hugely beneficial way.” said Adrian O’Connell, Chief Executive Officer at Standards Australia.