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Standards Awards

Standards Awards recognise and reward excellence in standardisation. Awards are presented to individuals, accredited SDOs and committees who have made a positive impact on standardisation. From demonstrating outstanding service to helping others achieve their objectives, there are many ways to make your mark.

Nominations now open for 2025!

Click here to nominate

Submissions close Thursday, 27 March 2025.

Award Categories

Nominating Organisation (New)

This award celebrates Nominating Organisations that demonstrate excellence and leadership in standards development by actively managing, encouraging, and supporting their contributors to participate in the process. These organisations not only value their contributors’ input but also champion the critical role of standards, fostering collaboration, innovation, and the highest levels of professionalism in standardisation. Winners of this award are recognised for creating an environment where contributors can effectively represent their industry or sector, while making significant contributions to the development and implementation of standards that benefit the Australian community.

Corporate Commitment to Standards (New)

This award recognises companies that demonstrate an exceptional commitment to standardisation by dedicating their staff’s expertise and time for the net benefit of the Australian community. These organisations understand the importance of standards in driving industry innovation, improving safety, and enhancing quality of life. Winners of this award showcase their dedication to the standards development process, supporting their employees to actively engage in national and/or international standardisation initiatives.

W.R. Hebblewhite Medal

William Rayner Hebblewhite O.B.E., was Standards Australia’s first and longest serving Chief Executive Officer. This award honours his contribution and foresight in the field. Each year it is awarded to an individual who has made an exceptional and dedicated contribution to standardisation – nationally and/or internationally. Winners are recognised for their leadership, technical expertise and the positive impact their work has made on the industry and community.

Meritorious Contribution – National

This award recognises achievements in national standards development. Winners have made a substantial contribution to problem solving, research, innovative thinking and have effectively represented the views of their industry or sector.

Meritorious Contribution – International

This award recognises achievements in international standards development. Winners may have leadership roles in international standardisation and have successfully influenced international standards for the benefit of the nation.

Emerging Leader

This award acknowledges and rewards emerging leaders. Winners are able to effectively represent their industry or sector in committee debates, play an active role in the committee or champion relevant projects or initiatives.


This award recognises those who have championed new and better ways of developing standards or innovation in how standards are delivered to end users; where that innovation meets a clear need and benefit to the community and industry. Winners of this award demonstrate the vision to imagine disruptive change and the drive to deliver it.

Outstanding Committee

The award recognises standards committees that go the extra mile. Through consistent teamwork and commitment, the standards published by these committees make a change for the good in industry and improve quality of life within communities.

Additional Information

Winners will be announced by June 2025.

View the 2024 Winners here.

Previous winners are eligible for renomination and self-nominations are welcome. All previous winners can be viewed here.

If you have any questions or for more information contact us at