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IA-CEPA Standards Mapping and Gap Analysis

The Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) creates a framework for Australia and Indonesia to fully unlock the economic potential of trade cooperation and two-way investment between the two countries.

To support the closing phase of bilateral negotiations, Standards Australia and the National Standard Body of Indonesia, Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) undertook a Standards Mapping Study. The Standards for Enabling Trade - Mapping and Gap Analysis Study (PDF) highlights opportunities for enhanced standards harmonisation, technical alignment and regulatory coherence to boost the objectives of IA-CEPA for closer economic integration.

The study was shaped by standards mapping and gap analysis, surveys and collaborative trade enabling workshops. The collaborative work undertaken by SA and BSN sought out new trading opportunities between the two economies, emphasized the role of standards in enhancing trade and investment flows and strengthened the relationship between Australia and Indonesia to encourage ongoing standards and conformance assessment coordination to support IA-CEPA.

Learn more:
Jesse Riddell
Senior International Partnerships Manager
+ 612 9237 6344
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