Pacific Quality Infrastructure Initiative
“Setting up a Quality Infrastructure System is one of the most positive and practical steps that a developing nation can take on the path forward to developing a thriving economy as a basis for prosperity, health and well-being.”
The Pacific Islands Forum is leading the Pacific Quality Infrastructure (PQI) Initiative, which aims to strengthen quality infrastructure across all Forum Island Countries to increase trade competitiveness, innovation, and the efficient use of resources, while protecting human health and the environment. Given that quality infrastructure plays a crucial role both for trade and national health systems, support throughout will contribute to the regional recovery from COVID-19.
The PQI Initiative was officially endorsed by Forum Trade Ministers for a 5-year work program covering different streams of work, including standards, metrology, conformity assessment and quality promotion.
The PQI Initiative was officially endorsed by Forum Trade Ministers for a 5-year work program covering different streams of work, including standards, metrology, conformity assessment and quality promotion.
Standards Work Program
As an implementing partner under the PQI Initiative, Standards Australia is delivering the standards stream of work in collaboration with all Forum Island Countries.
The Pacific Islands Standards Committee (PISC) is a core component of the governance structure of the PQI, the Pacific Quality Infrastructure. The Committee will coordinate standardisation activities across the region with the aim of harmonising and developing standards and making them more accessible to local stakeholders such as regulators, small and medium sized enterprises, and consumers.
The Pacific Islands Standards Committee (PISC) is a core component of the governance structure of the PQI, the Pacific Quality Infrastructure. The Committee will coordinate standardisation activities across the region with the aim of harmonising and developing standards and making them more accessible to local stakeholders such as regulators, small and medium sized enterprises, and consumers.
Mission and Objectives
• Promote standardisation in the Pacific region.
• Create a productive and efficient standardisation partnership amongst Pacific countries to grow together.
• Coordinate and knowledge share on standardisation related issues amongst Pacific countries.
• Encourage step-by-step approaches that allow for shared progress.
• Leverage other Pacific countries' experience and technical infrastructure.
• Promote efficiency and trade competitiveness both nationally and regionally.
• Promote standardisation in the Pacific region.
• Create a productive and efficient standardisation partnership amongst Pacific countries to grow together.
• Coordinate and knowledge share on standardisation related issues amongst Pacific countries.
• Encourage step-by-step approaches that allow for shared progress.
• Leverage other Pacific countries' experience and technical infrastructure.
• Promote efficiency and trade competitiveness both nationally and regionally.
Read the PISC's Terms of Reference here.
Related News
- Bold Agenda for Trade Quality Infrastructure in the Pacific Launched
- World-first Pacific Island technical standards committees to address economic challenges

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