CEO Report

The Standards Australia team has been working hard to deliver on our promise to provide better access to standards. Acritical component is access for non-commercial use.
I am pleased to announce we have delivered on this commitment with the launch of the Standards Australia Reader Room.
The Reader Room is a platform for all Australians to use. Developed by Standards Australia, it provides limited, no-fee access to the Australian Standards catalogue.
This offering is not intended for commercial or professional use – instead, it provides access for personal, domestic or household use. It allows the Australian community to easily access a standard they want to read, regarding particular products and services they use or may be impacted by.
Users of the Reader Room will be provided with three tokens annually, which will allow them to access available, individual standards for 24 hours at a time, at no cost.
More than 2500 of our standards are available via this new platform, with the catalogue containing Australian Standards and other Australian-only publications. Standards Australia has an ambition to increase the offering over time and is working with other publishers to facilitate access to other content.
The Reader Room is only the latest in a line of Standards Australia programs designed to improve access to standards.
Earlier this month we announced our Named User Subscription model has moved from pilot to permanent. Based on feedback from users and our distribution partners, we made several changes to the permanent model, such as adjusting maximum caps based on the size of participating organisations, and including an option to grant access for government departments and eligible associations.
In April, we announced the development of our new mobile model, designed to give tradespeople, technicians and workers the ability to view standards in real time via their mobile phones. Work on this model is progressing well, and we hope the first distributors will be ready with apps in the market by the end of 2023.
Together, these programs deliver greater value by increasing flexibility and improving affordability for paying users.
Furthermore, all of these initiatives demonstrate Standards Australia’s commitment to making standards more accessible, delivering on the commitments we’ve made as part of our Distribution and Licensing Policy Framework.
We will continue to invest in the development of new options to improve access to standards and improve value for users.
You’ll find more information about our Reader Room in this edition of E-news, and about our accessibility initiatives on our website.
New standards document to help manage workplace psychosocial risk

To support organisations in managing psychosocial hazards and risks in the workplace, Standards Australia has released its latest occupational health and safety document AS/NZS ISO 45003:2021 - the second standard released from the ISO 45001 series on occupational health and safety management systems.
World-first Pacific Island technical standards committees to address economic challenges

The first regional standards body for Pacific Islands countries, the Pacific Islands Standards Committee (PISC), has been established with the support of Standards Australia and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS).
Biometric systems: How Standards Australia is supporting a growing industry

Standards Australia recently updated part one of its biometric performance testing and reporting standard (AS ISO/IEC 19795.1:2022, Information technology - Biometric performance testing and reporting, Part 1: Principles and framework) in response to the potential risks associated with privacy, data collection, storage and system performance.
Call for Digital Trade Standards mentors

Standards Australia has launched the 2023 Fellowship Program as part of the ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) Initiative.
The initiative connects emerging professionals with industry experts in standardisation and digital trade, unlocking the potential of digital trade across the region.
Applications to become a program mentor or fellow are open now.
Reader Room now available
Standards Australia has announced the launch of our Reader Room, an initiative which aims to provide no fee, non-commercial access to Australian Standards.
The Reader Room is intended to provide the Australian community with peace of mind by allowing them to access standards that apply to products and services they use. The platform is not intended for regular users who need access to standards as part of their work.
Users of Reader Room will be provided with three tokens annually which will allow them to access available individual standards for 24 hours at a time, at no cost.
We’ve made a demonstration video, which you can access here.
Experience the Reader Room for yourself –
In Conversation with Jayne O'Shea

Dr Jayne O’Shea completed a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Newcastle, where she graduated with first class honours and the University Medal. She completed her PhD studies at Newcastle University examining belt conveying system energy prediction models using the relaxation properties of rubber. In the past 17 years, Dr O’Shea has worked within the Bulk Solids Group at the University of Newcastle, which includes TUNRA Bulk Solids and the Centre for Bulk Solids and Particulate Technologies. Her roles have included laboratory technician, engineer, research assistant, class tutor/demonstrator, research associate, consulting engineer and senior consulting engineer, which is her current position within TUNRA Bulk Solids.
When did you first become involved in standards development?
I first became involved in standards development in December 2021 when I joined the RU-002 committee. At that time, the committee was in the initial stages of revising the AS1333 standard, which included incorporating several edits such as the addition of an energy rating table for conveyor belt compounds. My invitation to join the committee was based on my prior experience in testing and analysing the energy efficiency of conveyor belt compounds, which had been the focus of my research during my PhD studies.
Accepting the role of chair and lead draft for the committee has been a great opportunity for me. Working alongside a highly experienced team on the committee has provided me with invaluable knowledge and insights into the complexities of standards development.
How do standards impact and interact with your industry?
Standards provide the criteria to ensure the safety and quality of products. In our case, the AS1333 standard for conveyor belting helps ensure that belts are safe and reliable in the challenging conditions found in mining operations.
Why is access to standards important?
Access to standards is important as it not only facilitates communication and collaboration among companies, but also enables businesses to stay abreast of the latest industry developments, thereby enhancing their competitiveness. Furthermore, access to standards empowers users, such as mining companies in the case of purchasing conveyor belts, to make well-informed decisions.
For mining companies, selecting the right conveyor belt is vital for ensuring efficient and safe operations. Standards provide them with a reliable reference point and a set of criteria to evaluate the quality and performance of different belts available in the market. By having access to relevant standards, mining companies can gain valuable insights into the specific requirements, performance benchmarks, and safety considerations associated with conveyor belts.
By adhering to established standards, companies can ensure that the conveyor belts meet industry-approved specifications and are suitable for specific operational needs. Moreover, standards help establish a level playing field among suppliers, as all products are evaluated against the same criteria.
What is the future of standardisation in your area of work?
Our committee will continue to collaborate with industry, manufacturers and research institutions to develop and revise standards that reflect the latest technological advancements and best practices. We aim to ensure that the standards for conveyor belting remain relevant, effective and capable of meeting the evolving needs of the industry in the years to come.
Named User Subscription Model becomes permanent
Standards Australia's pilot of the Named User Subscription model launched in July 2022, has become permanent from 1 July 2023.
Those familiar with the pilot program will notice several changes to the permanent model, which were made in response to feedback from distribution partners and end-users. They include:
• Removing maximum caps for organisations who require a small to medium number of users.
• Increasing maximum caps for organisations who require a large or enterprise level number of users.
• Including the option for Government departments and eligible Associations to provide access to their employees.
The move to a permanent distribution model further demonstrates Standards Australia’s commitment to making standards more accessible, an integral part of its Distribution and Licensing Policy Framework.
International Update
Standards Australia represents Australia on the two major international standards development bodies, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Our activities are reported on our International Updates page.
Click here to view our highlights from July (PDF):
• IEC board workshop
• Data-driven agrifood systems: new field of technical activity
• Cyber security: strengthening information security in supply chains
Sector Update
Access the latest standards development news in your industry sector via our Sectors page.
Drafts Open for Comment
The public comment process provides an opportunity for stakeholders and members of the public to make valuable contributions. Draft standards currently open for comment are now available via Connect.