CEO Report: Advancing the Global Agenda

I write to you today from the ISO General Assembly (GA) in Geneva, Switzerland. As the Australian member at ISO, the ISO GA is always an action-packed week for us.
This year the event focuses on advancing the global agenda through international standards. In alignment with our own strategy in Australia, this theme relies on the exploration of new technologies and new ways of thinking.
Dr Pip Ryan, a key contributor to our national and international work in blockchain, presented on this transformational technology. She shared how it can help address climate change, demonstrating just how far reaching blockchain can be. Importantly, she also emphasised the role of international standards to stimulate greater interoperability and speedier acceptance around the world.
Our Incubator had a strong presence at this year’s ISO GA with a presentation on the innovative pilots it has produced. It has been incredibly fruitful to share with other national standards bodies the concepts being trialled and tested here in Australia. If you’re interested in what’s happening with the Incubator, I recommend you watch this video recently put together by my team.
Our week at ISO has been a fantastic opportunity to not only share our progress, but to learn from other ISO members and their successes. The ISO GA is the first in a series of international events to come, with World Standards Day (with a focus on Industry 4.0) and the IEC General Meeting in Busan, South Korea, just around the corner.
Although the objectives and agendas of these events may differ, respect for Australia as a driver for innovation remains the same.
—Dr Bronwyn Evans, CEO
In Conversation with Jan Begg

Jan Begg is an experienced non-executive director and governance consultant with expertise in strategy implementation and project governance. As Managing Director of Azulin she has worked with aged care, healthcare, education and infrastructure organisations. Jan is Chair of the international standards committee ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 40 covering IT governance and service management, and she also chairs the national committee IT-030 which mirrors the work of JTC 1/SC 40.
Standards Australia: What is the significance of IT governance and how do standards help support it?
Jan Begg: IT governance can be viewed as the link between corporate governance and the management of technology. In other words, how do the board of directors and CEO ensure that IT is managed effectively in alignment with the organisation’s strategic plan and purpose? The value delivered by good IT governance is a decrease in risk and an increase in stewardship. Standards play into this by keeping us safe but allowing us to exercise choice.
SA: As a speaker at next month’s Digital Trade Standards Workshop, what opportunities are there for IT governance and management within the region?
JB: As part of broader initiatives by a number of ASEAN bodies, digital connectivity, security of data and innovation will underpin the region’s economic growth. The workshop is a practical way to share existing knowledge and trends that will support or challenge digital trade opportunities. Increased involvement from ASEAN countries with different legislative frameworks will help to identify if existing IT governance standards should be revised or where new guidance is required.
SA: JTC 1, the international committee for all things ICT, has its plenary meeting in November. What’s on the agenda?
JB: The plenary will cover everything from smart cities, data analytics, 3D printing, telecommunications and information exchange, and the Internet of Things to the more traditional topics such as software and systems engineering and interconnection of IT equipment. As so many areas converge we are seeing overlap within the committees, such as collaboration between blockchain and IT security techniques. Most recently a joint working group was proposed for IT governance and artificial intelligence.
SA: What do you think is in the future of standardisation?
JB: Technological advances are crossing industry and business silos, so we need to interpret standards in a more horizontal way and standardise terms and definitions for new technology. Whether it be in digital trade or other aspects of our economy, standardisation combined with good governance and management leads to competitive advantage, better decisions and outcomes for customers. Utilising technology in standards development will help maintain the balance between regulation, standardisation and innovation, and will ultimately help streamline current processes.
The Incubator: Bringing Innovative Thinking to Standards

From visual and digital standards to crowd-sourcing participation, here are some of the concepts being explored by the Incubator.
Accelerating ASEAN-Australia digital trade

An Issues Paper released by Standards Australia will help facilitate digital trade across Australia and ASEAN member states. It outlines the key opportunities and challenges for digital economic growth in the region.
Next steps include a Digital Trade Standards Workshop which will be held on 16-17 October 2018 in Sydney to agree on recommendations to progress this initiative. All interested individuals are encouraged to attend.
Read more on our website.
Plan ahead for your NCC 2022 proposals
Standards Australia is encouraging proposals for National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 to be submitted as soon as possible. For those interested in plumbing, Standards Australia has extended the deadline for the AS/NZS 3500 series to be referenced in NCC 2022. We will be accepting proposals until the end of October 2018, with a view to commence the consolidated revisions in early 2019.
For advice, or to discuss any proposals, contact Senior Stakeholder Engagement Manager Alison Scotland on 02 9237 6088 or
Delivering on expanding expectations

Kareen Riley-Takos, General Manager, Operations paints the picture of our Technical Governance Review and the ongoing dialogue that is shaping our future.
Changes to our Privacy Policy
Due to the evolving nature of our business, Standards Australia has updated its Privacy Policy. These changes are designed to consolidate our privacy terms for public comment and surveys, expand on our use of service providers and provide more transparency on how we use and disclose personal information in light of the changes to our processes.
International Update

Standards Australia represents Australia on the two major international standards development bodies, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Our activities are reported on our International Updates page.Highlights from September (PDF):
- Car or computer on wheels? The future of automobiles
- Reducing carbon footprint made easier with new International Standard
- New International Standard for determining infant formula ingredients just published
Sector Update
Access the latest standards development news in your industry sector via our Sectors page.
Drafts Open for Comment
The public comment process provides an opportunity for stakeholders and members of the public to make valuable contributions. View draft standards currently open for comment.