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Voice of Customer program launches

October 20, 2021

Standards Australia’s vision is to deliver trusted solutions that improve life - today and tomorrow.

To recognise this vision, we are  seeking feedback from Nominating Organisations, Contributors of International Standards, Proposal Authors, Committee Members, buyers and users of standards and members of the public to provide a better experience when working together.

The Voice of Customer Program

Our new Voice of Customer program  enables stakeholders to provide feedback about their experience working with Standards Australia through targeted surveys.

The program focuses on capturing and acting on stakeholder feedback and is an important driver for understanding their requirements and expectations. Ultimately, the program will help us continuously make improvements based on the needs of our stakeholders.

In May 2021, we launched a series of initial surveys to gather insights and gain valuable external understanding of our strengths and areas of improvement. Ongoing surveys will help us continue to identify changes that we can implement that will  positively impact key stakeholders’ experiences with us.

“We believe that our stakeholders are at the core of everything we do. Our Voice of Customer program will provide a continuous opportunity to improve our partners’ experiences and we’re excited to embark on this journey,” said Emma Lowes, GM People & Performance at Standards Australia.

The Plan Ahead

Results from these surveys, and plans to address areas of improvement, will be communicated via quarterly updates in our E-News newsletter.

The next round of surveys will be distributed via email in December 2021. These surveys will continue to  collect feedback from Nominating Organisations, Contributors of international standards, Proposal Authors &  Committee Members.

Beyond December, we will  be looking to expand the surveys via website and SMS, alongside email. We also hope to expand the program to Store customers, members of the public and through customer support enquiries.

“The Voice of Customer program is specifically designed to help us best- serve our stakeholders. The program is still in its infancy and we’re looking forward to how it develops and the results it will generate. These surveys are meticulously developed with our many audiences in mind. Their unbiased results will form our engagement plans for the next year and I’m looking forward to understanding where and how we can grow through the results”, said Kacey Graham, Voice of Customer Manager.

“We hope that individuals take the time to complete a survey once received, as their experience matters and, as an organisation, we want to continue working in the most productive ways,” Ms Graham concluded.

To find out more about the Voice of Customer program, please subscribe to E-News.

Jess Dunne
Communications Manager

media enquiries

For media enquires, please contact:

Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487