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Standard Australia’s Voice of Customer Program continues to collect meaningful feedback from Stakeholders

August 25, 2022

The Voice of Customer Program

Standard Australia’s Voice of Customer program is designed to give customers and stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback about their experience working with us. This program is critical to ensure that customer stakeholder's needs drive business priorities.

The core purpose of this program focuses on capturing and acting on stakeholder feedback and is an important driver for understanding our stakeholder needs and expectations.

In May 2022, we launched our third wave of surveys to gather feedback from key stakeholder groups, allowing us to understand what we do well and where we need to improve.

The Results To-Date

Nominating organisations place a high level of importance on communicating with Standards Australia as well as finding or selecting the right representatives and we are performing well in these areas. Also, of high importance to nominating organisations is improvement across access to online tools, the onboarding process and understanding and complying with the necessary requirements.

Our plans are in place to address these areas, which include a redesign of the onboarding process and the  improvement of online tools and log-in processes; enhancements to the new proposal portal; the release of project dashboards for Nominating Organisations; Connect Workspace platform replacement; and UX/UI redesign for Connect improving the contributor journey.

Contributors of our International Engagement segment place a high level of importance on committee management, being able to influence how standards are written, as well as their contributions to the industry sector. Contributors believe Standards Australia is performing well in these areas.

Contributors identified a need to improve the international funding request form process.

There is a plan in place to address this area, which includes creating a seamless experience for our international experts through a new international participation platform.

Proposal authors place a high level of importance on getting the help needed and understanding which proposal form to use.

Of high importance to proposal authors is understanding  the process / prioritisation criteria / questions asked, as well as knowing who to reach out to and the effort required to complete the form. Standards Australia is looking at improving online tools, including the implementation of a new proposal system to support these areas of importance.

Committee members involved in the drafting and publication stages of standards development place a high level of importance on their experience working with the project management team and committee management.

Also noted is working on shared documents / authoring tools, the time taken to draft / publish standards and for the publication stage, experience working with the publishing team.

Standards Australia plans to address these areas of improvement via:

  • Improvement of online tools such as:
  • Connect Workspace platform replacement, delivering a new document management system
  • A discovery project for an online authoring tool to be delivered in FY24.
  • Greater flexibility to industries and sectors by:
  • Simplification of SG-006 rules
  • Development of standards using simple, understandable English

“It’s immensely helpful to understand our areas of success and  improvement. We’re committed to making the standards development journey as beneficial as possible for our members, contributors and stakeholders. This program allows us to put plans in place to address issues and make the experience better for everyone,” said Adrian O’Connell, Chief Executive Officer at Standards Australia.

Looking Forward:

The many initiatives outlined above will launch at various stages throughout 2022 / 23 and Standards Australia will continue to survey and speak with stakeholders to ensure feedback is collated and actioned regularly.

The next round of surveys will be distributed via email in December 2022. These will continue to collect feedback from nominating organisations, contributors of international standards, proposal authors and committee members.

We have also expanded our Voice of Customer program to collect feedback across our standards customer journey, which includes:

  • ‘Always on’ survey launched on the new proposal portal in February 2022 (current in beta phase).
  • ‘Always on’ survey launched on Public Comment Portal in March 2022.
  • Store customers via the Standards Australia Store website in May 2022.

Results will continue to be communicated via our E-news newsletter. To find out more, please subscribe here.

Jess Dunne
Communications Manager

media enquiries

For media enquires, please contact:

Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487