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Distribution arrangements for Standards Australia content

November 14, 2018


The initial term of Standards Australia’s contract with SAI Global for the publication, distribution, marketing and sale of Standards Australia’s content is due to end on 16 December 2018. There is an option to extend the term for a further 5 years, exercisable by SAI Global in certain circumstances.

Standards Australia and SAI Global do not agree on how the processes related to the option should operate.

Over the last few months, Standards Australia and SAI Global have been working through the processes in the contract that relate to the option to extend the term and this is still underway.

In the event that these processes have not been concluded before the expiry of the initial term on 16 December, SAI Global will continue to publish, distribute, market and sell Standards Australia’s content until such time as the process has been concluded.

Standards Australia and SAI Global will keep stakeholders and customers updated.

Standards Australia recognises the difficulty that this may cause customers, is committed to resolving the processes expeditiously, and apologises for the lack of certainty at this time.

Adam Stingemore
Distribution arrangements for Standards Australia content
+61 2 9237 6086
Email and link here

The initial term of Standards Australia’s contract with SAI Global for the publication, distribution, marketing and sale of Standards Australia’s content is due to end on 16 December 2018. There is an option to extend the term for a further 5 years, exercisable by SAI Global in certain circumstances.

Standards Australia and SAI Global do not agree on how the processes related to the option should operate.

Over the last few months, Standards Australia and SAI Global have been working through the processes in the contract that relate to the option to extend the term and this is still underway.

In the event that these processes have not been concluded before the expiry of the initial term on 16 December, SAI Global will continue to publish, distribute, market and sell Standards Australia’s content until such time as the process has been concluded.

Standards Australia and SAI Global will keep stakeholders and customers updated.

Standards Australia recognises the difficulty that this may cause customers, is committed to resolving the processes expeditiously, and apologises for the lack of certainty at this time.

Adam Stingemore
Chief Development Officer
+61 2 9237 6086