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Information on Australian Standards® AS 1891.4:2009 and AS/NZS 5532:2013

March 24, 2017


Standards Australia has received a number of enquiries regarding the application of certain Australian Standard® standards as they relate to anchor point devices and fall arrest systems.

Standards Australia published AS 1891.4:2009, Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices Part 4: Selection, use and maintenance in 2009 and AS/NZS 5532:2013, Manufacturing requirements for single point anchor devices used for harness-based work at height in 2013.

It is important to note that Standards Australia is not part of government. We do not make acts or regulations and Australian Standard® standards are, of themselves, considered to be voluntary documents. However, compliance with an Australian Standard® may become mandatory where (and to the extent that) compliance with its terms is mandated, for example, by way of legislation.

SafeWork NSW has previously issued a fact sheet providing information on AS 1891.4:2009 and AS/NZS 5532:2013 under Work Health and Safety legislation. For more information please visit SafeWork’s website.

Australian Standard® standards are reviewed regularly by corresponding Standards Australia technical committees to ensure they remain relevant and technically current.

Standards Australia technical committee SF-015, Industrial Height Safety Equipment is currently working on a project to review AS/NZS 5532:2013, including in relation to testing for multiple anchor types.

The scope of the approved project and the constitution of the Technical Committee SF-015 responsible for the development of the drafts are attached to this Statement.

Attachment 1: Scope of project to revise AS 5532-2013 and technical committee

The scope of the project for revision of AS/NZS 5532:2013 as submitted to Standard Australia in a proposal in 2016 and approved for development is included below:

  • Revision of AS/NZS 5532.2013 – Manufacturing requirements for single-point anchor device for harness-based work at height to reflect the current philosophy of testing of anchors. The areas identified for amendment are specifically:

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.1 General - The test bed description and orientation needs to be amended to better represent both the Anchor manufacturer’s and structural material manufacturer’s specifications, plus to ensure bed is suitable to test all configurations of anchor.

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.1 General - Revise and altered/deleted as its unclear how an anchor is depended or not dependent on the performance of the substrate. - Update clause to reflect the testing requirements for each anchor type.

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.1 General - Revision is needed so ALL anchors are testing in a logical and fair way, whether reliant on substrate or not - Update clause to reflect the testing requirements for each anchor type, the test bed description needs to be altered to represent both the Anchor manufacturer’s and structural material manufacturer’s specifications and ensure compatibility with all known anchor types and configurations.

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.2.3 Dynamic testing apparatus - Revised to be a prescriptive test or preference based test not both. - Revise test configuration to clarify what specific testing is required for specific types of anchor, to remove the current confusion where the anchor manufacturer specifies whether a roof sample test is required or not.

  • TEST BED: 6.2.3 Dynamic testing apparatus . - Revised to give guidance on what and how “other” anchors are test. TEST BED: Testing of top fix anchors - Revise to clarify the requirements of a/ the purlin and roof sheeting manufacturers and b/ the anchor manufacturer.

  • TEST BED: FIGURE 10 TOP FIXED ANCHOR TEST BED - Revised to accurately represent a sheeting/purlin manufacturers recommendations for their building materials. - Revised to give guidance on the required pitch for the test roof, when required. - Revised to consider the use of pulleys to be used during test as are allowed in EN795.

  • TEST BED: Fixed and portable anchor devices The procedure shall be as follows: - Revise to allow for the use of pulleys to divert the lanyard and test weight away from the roof. - Revise to allow the “roof” to be angled so that the when the test lanyard is vertical, it ends up very near (but not touching) the “edge” of the roof to better simulate the load path onto the anchor.

  • TEST ROPE: General - Revised to a modern kernmantle rope, this will also be in line with the current progress with revising the 1891 series and keeping consistency across all standard  STATIC TEST: Testing of top fix anchors. - Revised to indicate whether the anchor needs to be statically tested after it is dynamically tested. - Revised to be in-line with the current work being carried out on the 1891 series.

  • STATIC TEST: 6 TESTING 6.1 General - Revised to be in-line with the current work being carried out on the 1891 series. STATIC TEST: 5.1 General design requirements - The testing need to be revised to include testing for force management anchor. - Test loads need to be revised to be inline with the current work being carried out in the 1891 series.

  • OTHER ANCHORS: 4 CLASSES OF ANCHOR DEVICE AND ANCHOR SYSTEM - Revised to give guidance (table) on all anchors covered by the document. Eg. Engineered products such as davit posts, welded or concrete/brickwork anchors that have been engineered as a one off site specific anchor.

Technical committee SF-015, Industrial Height Safety Equipment is constituted by a diverse group of stakeholders including representatives of the following organisations:

  • Energy Networks Australia
  • Facility Management Association of Australia
  • Roads and Maritime Services
  • Safety Institute of Australia
  • Roofing Industry Association of NSW Inc
  • New Zealand Arboricultural Association
  • Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Scaffolding, Access and Rigging New Zealand Inc
  • IANZ
  • Standards New Zealand
  • SafeWork NSW
  • Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union - Electrical Division
  • Master Builders Australia
  • Australian Industry Group
  • Industrial Rope Access Association of New Zealand
  • Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association
  • Electricity Engineers Association (New Zealand)
  • Australian Rope Access Association
  • Australian Lightweight Vertical Rescue Instructors
  • Working at Height Association
  • Worksafe New Zealand

Information on Australian Standards® AS 1891.4:2009 and AS/NZS 5532:2013
Email and link here

Standards Australia has received a number of enquiries regarding the application of certain Australian Standard® standards as they relate to anchor point devices and fall arrest systems.

Standards Australia published AS 1891.4:2009, Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices Part 4: Selection, use and maintenance in 2009 and AS/NZS 5532:2013, Manufacturing requirements for single point anchor devices used for harness-based work at height in 2013.

It is important to note that Standards Australia is not part of government. We do not make acts or regulations and Australian Standard® standards are, of themselves, considered to be voluntary documents. However, compliance with an Australian Standard® may become mandatory where (and to the extent that) compliance with its terms is mandated, for example, by way of legislation.

SafeWork NSW has previously issued a fact sheet providing information on AS 1891.4:2009 and AS/NZS 5532:2013 under Work Health and Safety legislation. For more information please visit SafeWork’s website.

Australian Standard® standards are reviewed regularly by corresponding Standards Australia technical committees to ensure they remain relevant and technically current.

Standards Australia technical committee SF-015, Industrial Height Safety Equipment is currently working on a project to review AS/NZS 5532:2013, including in relation to testing for multiple anchor types.

The scope of the approved project and the constitution of the Technical Committee SF-015 responsible for the development of the drafts are attached to this Statement.

Attachment 1: Scope of project to revise AS 5532-2013 and technical committee

The scope of the project for revision of AS/NZS 5532:2013 as submitted to Standard Australia in a proposal in 2016 and approved for development is included below:

  • Revision of AS/NZS 5532.2013 – Manufacturing requirements for single-point anchor device for harness-based work at height to reflect the current philosophy of testing of anchors. The areas identified for amendment are specifically:

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.1 General - The test bed description and orientation needs to be amended to better represent both the Anchor manufacturer’s and structural material manufacturer’s specifications, plus to ensure bed is suitable to test all configurations of anchor.

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.1 General - Revise and altered/deleted as its unclear how an anchor is depended or not dependent on the performance of the substrate. - Update clause to reflect the testing requirements for each anchor type.

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.1 General - Revision is needed so ALL anchors are testing in a logical and fair way, whether reliant on substrate or not - Update clause to reflect the testing requirements for each anchor type, the test bed description needs to be altered to represent both the Anchor manufacturer’s and structural material manufacturer’s specifications and ensure compatibility with all known anchor types and configurations.

  • TEST BED: SECTION AS/NZS 5532 6 TESTING 6.2.3 Dynamic testing apparatus - Revised to be a prescriptive test or preference based test not both. - Revise test configuration to clarify what specific testing is required for specific types of anchor, to remove the current confusion where the anchor manufacturer specifies whether a roof sample test is required or not.

  • TEST BED: 6.2.3 Dynamic testing apparatus . - Revised to give guidance on what and how “other” anchors are test. TEST BED: Testing of top fix anchors - Revise to clarify the requirements of a/ the purlin and roof sheeting manufacturers and b/ the anchor manufacturer.

  • TEST BED: FIGURE 10 TOP FIXED ANCHOR TEST BED - Revised to accurately represent a sheeting/purlin manufacturers recommendations for their building materials. - Revised to give guidance on the required pitch for the test roof, when required. - Revised to consider the use of pulleys to be used during test as are allowed in EN795.

  • TEST BED: Fixed and portable anchor devices The procedure shall be as follows: - Revise to allow for the use of pulleys to divert the lanyard and test weight away from the roof. - Revise to allow the “roof” to be angled so that the when the test lanyard is vertical, it ends up very near (but not touching) the “edge” of the roof to better simulate the load path onto the anchor.

  • TEST ROPE: General - Revised to a modern kernmantle rope, this will also be in line with the current progress with revising the 1891 series and keeping consistency across all standard  STATIC TEST: Testing of top fix anchors. - Revised to indicate whether the anchor needs to be statically tested after it is dynamically tested. - Revised to be in-line with the current work being carried out on the 1891 series.

  • STATIC TEST: 6 TESTING 6.1 General - Revised to be in-line with the current work being carried out on the 1891 series. STATIC TEST: 5.1 General design requirements - The testing need to be revised to include testing for force management anchor. - Test loads need to be revised to be inline with the current work being carried out in the 1891 series.

  • OTHER ANCHORS: 4 CLASSES OF ANCHOR DEVICE AND ANCHOR SYSTEM - Revised to give guidance (table) on all anchors covered by the document. Eg. Engineered products such as davit posts, welded or concrete/brickwork anchors that have been engineered as a one off site specific anchor.

Technical committee SF-015, Industrial Height Safety Equipment is constituted by a diverse group of stakeholders including representatives of the following organisations:

  • Energy Networks Australia
  • Facility Management Association of Australia
  • Roads and Maritime Services
  • Safety Institute of Australia
  • Roofing Industry Association of NSW Inc
  • New Zealand Arboricultural Association
  • Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Scaffolding, Access and Rigging New Zealand Inc
  • IANZ
  • Standards New Zealand
  • SafeWork NSW
  • Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union - Electrical Division
  • Master Builders Australia
  • Australian Industry Group
  • Industrial Rope Access Association of New Zealand
  • Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association
  • Electricity Engineers Association (New Zealand)
  • Australian Rope Access Association
  • Australian Lightweight Vertical Rescue Instructors
  • Working at Height Association
  • Worksafe New Zealand

Sarah Campbell profile picture
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487