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International guidance on managing risk published

October 30, 2018


The increasing pace of societal change and technology development in the 21st century is impacting organisations of every size across every industry, presenting new and changing areas of risk. Organisations have been given an updated tool to help them identify and respond to rapidly changing risk landscape.

Drawing on world leading practices to advise organisations on how to manage risk, AS ISO 31000:2018, Risk Management - Guidelines has been published as an Australian adoption of the international standard.

“As the business environment changes with the introduction of new technology and streamlined processes, new areas of risk are identified day by day, and impact organisations of every shape and size,” said CEO of Standards Australia, Dr Bronwyn Evans. “One example of a new risk is cyber security and data protection, which was relatively unheard of five to ten years ago but now presents as a unique risk with many organisations unsure of how to respond to this effectively.”

The new AS ISO 31000:2018, Risk Management – Guidelines has placed a higher emphasis on the involvement of senior management, as well as recommending risk management be part of an organisation’s structure and processes. The guidance in the standard is specifically designed to be common across every industry and sector, providing a baseline approach to risk-management.

“On an international level, more and more industries and organisations are adopting a risk-based approach to doing business,” said Mr Jason Brown, Chair of the International Technical Committee responsible for the standard. “What this will mean is that AS ISO 31000:2018, Risk Management – Guidelines will continue to develop its application, nationally and internationally, in support of governance, value protection and good decision making, be called in more standards, and used in management systems by organisations, to manage risk at all levels.”

“HB 188, Physical Protective Security Treatment for Buildings and AS 4811 Workforce Screening are just two examples of the growing trend in standards utilising a risk-based approach to ensure their relevance for any business in any industry,” concluded Dr Evans.

Communications Department
International guidance on managing risk published
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Silhouette of a person walking a tightrope with a balancing pole, moving away from a tangled mass of lines on a bright blue background.

The increasing pace of societal change and technology development in the 21st century is impacting organisations of every size across every industry, presenting new and changing areas of risk. Organisations have been given an updated tool to help them identify and respond to rapidly changing risk landscape.

Drawing on world leading practices to advise organisations on how to manage risk, AS ISO 31000:2018, Risk Management - Guidelines has been published as an Australian adoption of the international standard.

“As the business environment changes with the introduction of new technology and streamlined processes, new areas of risk are identified day by day, and impact organisations of every shape and size,” said CEO of Standards Australia, Dr Bronwyn Evans. “One example of a new risk is cyber security and data protection, which was relatively unheard of five to ten years ago but now presents as a unique risk with many organisations unsure of how to respond to this effectively.”

The new AS ISO 31000:2018, Risk Management – Guidelines has placed a higher emphasis on the involvement of senior management, as well as recommending risk management be part of an organisation’s structure and processes. The guidance in the standard is specifically designed to be common across every industry and sector, providing a baseline approach to risk-management.

“On an international level, more and more industries and organisations are adopting a risk-based approach to doing business,” said Mr Jason Brown, Chair of the International Technical Committee responsible for the standard. “What this will mean is that AS ISO 31000:2018, Risk Management – Guidelines will continue to develop its application, nationally and internationally, in support of governance, value protection and good decision making, be called in more standards, and used in management systems by organisations, to manage risk at all levels.”

“HB 188, Physical Protective Security Treatment for Buildings and AS 4811 Workforce Screening are just two examples of the growing trend in standards utilising a risk-based approach to ensure their relevance for any business in any industry,” concluded Dr Evans.

Communications Department
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Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487