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New standard to test LED lamp performance

April 14, 2021


  • Standards Australia has published a new standard that sets out clear test methods for measuring key performance indicators of LED lamps, including efficacy, light output and colour rendering.
  • Drawing from a range of international and regional standards, the standard provides Australian and New Zealand suppliers and regulators with clear, internationally recognised methods and guidance.
  • The standard has been developed to support the proposed introduction of minimum energy efficiency and quality standards for LED light bulbs in Australia and New Zealand.

With inefficient halogen lamps proposed to be phased out in Australia from late 2022, consumers will soon be looking for more certainty around performance claims for light-emitting diode (LED) lamps.

The recently published standard provides suppliers of LED lamps with a clear guidance on how to measure important energy and functional parameters that can assist in guiding consumers buying decisions, such as energy use, light output and colour rendering.

“The standard provides guidelines on how to test LED lamp products in a consistent manner that is aligned with international practices. Compliance with this testing standard provides consumers with confidence about claims made by the manufacturer,” said Glenn Toole, Chair of the committee responsible for the standard.

The standard brings together test methods and information from a range of resources, including international and regional standards. Additional guidance on how to interpret methodologies and/or apply them specifically to LED lamps is also included, to assist with the standard being a comprehensive reference guide.

“With the Council of Australian Government Energy Ministers agreeing to introduce minimum energy efficiency and quality standards for LED lamps in Australia and New Zealand in line with European Union standards, this test standard is an important first step that will be useful for suppliers and regulators,” said Roland Terry-Lloyd, Head of Standards Development with Standards Australia.

Recently published standard:

AS/NZS 5341:2021, LED lamps – Test methods – Energy and functional performance

Communications Department
New standard to test LED lamp performance
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Several illuminated LED light bulbs are suspended from the ceiling, with a warm glow emitting from each.
  • Standards Australia has published a new standard that sets out clear test methods for measuring key performance indicators of LED lamps, including efficacy, light output and colour rendering.
  • Drawing from a range of international and regional standards, the standard provides Australian and New Zealand suppliers and regulators with clear, internationally recognised methods and guidance.
  • The standard has been developed to support the proposed introduction of minimum energy efficiency and quality standards for LED light bulbs in Australia and New Zealand.

With inefficient halogen lamps proposed to be phased out in Australia from late 2022, consumers will soon be looking for more certainty around performance claims for light-emitting diode (LED) lamps.

The recently published standard provides suppliers of LED lamps with a clear guidance on how to measure important energy and functional parameters that can assist in guiding consumers buying decisions, such as energy use, light output and colour rendering.

“The standard provides guidelines on how to test LED lamp products in a consistent manner that is aligned with international practices. Compliance with this testing standard provides consumers with confidence about claims made by the manufacturer,” said Glenn Toole, Chair of the committee responsible for the standard.

The standard brings together test methods and information from a range of resources, including international and regional standards. Additional guidance on how to interpret methodologies and/or apply them specifically to LED lamps is also included, to assist with the standard being a comprehensive reference guide.

“With the Council of Australian Government Energy Ministers agreeing to introduce minimum energy efficiency and quality standards for LED lamps in Australia and New Zealand in line with European Union standards, this test standard is an important first step that will be useful for suppliers and regulators,” said Roland Terry-Lloyd, Head of Standards Development with Standards Australia.

Recently published standard:

AS/NZS 5341:2021, LED lamps – Test methods – Energy and functional performance

Communications Department
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Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487