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Public comment commences on important fire safety standard AS 5113:2016

April 18, 2018


Comments are being sought on DR Amendment 1 to AS 5113:2016, Classification of external walls of buildings based on reaction to fire performance, developed by Standards Australia’s Technical Committee FP-018, Fire Safety.

The draft amendment has been prepared following discussions with industry and government, a forum held by Standards Australia in January 2018, and a project proposal received from the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). AS 5113 is referenced in the ABCB’s National Construction Code.

FP-018 agreed to make limited informative changes to amend AS 5113:2016, which involves clarifying the scope and application, including a debris criteria definition, and commentary around testing.

Comments are sought on the proposed changes by 29 May 2018.

Adam Stingemore
Public comment commences on important fire safety standard AS 5113:2016
+61 2 9237 6086
Email and link here

Comments are being sought on DR Amendment 1 to AS 5113:2016, Classification of external walls of buildings based on reaction to fire performance, developed by Standards Australia’s Technical Committee FP-018, Fire Safety.

The draft amendment has been prepared following discussions with industry and government, a forum held by Standards Australia in January 2018, and a project proposal received from the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). AS 5113 is referenced in the ABCB’s National Construction Code.

FP-018 agreed to make limited informative changes to amend AS 5113:2016, which involves clarifying the scope and application, including a debris criteria definition, and commentary around testing.

Comments are sought on the proposed changes by 29 May 2018.

Adam Stingemore
Chief Development Officer
+61 2 9237 6086
Sarah Campbell profile picture
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487