Roundtable held on Australian Standards® for General Conditions of Contract
On 6 November 2017 Standards Australia brought together a group of industry, government, legal and construction sector stakeholders to discuss the development of a new general conditions of contract standard in Australia.
Participating stakeholders agreed that current Australian Standards® for general conditions of contract could better meet market needs. Broad agreement was reached on a way forward that will see Standards Australia, industry and government working together to expedite a new project.
The roundtable agreed to meet again in the coming weeks to progress work on the development of a project scope.
Representatives of industry and government organisations agreed to consult with their members generally on principles and scope of a new standard in preparation for the next roundtable.
Standards Australia will invite additional relevant interested organisations and broaden stakeholder participation at the next roundtable.
Stakeholders will regularly receive updates on discussions regarding the progress of work.

On 6 November 2017 Standards Australia brought together a group of industry, government, legal and construction sector stakeholders to discuss the development of a new general conditions of contract standard in Australia.
Participating stakeholders agreed that current Australian Standards® for general conditions of contract could better meet market needs. Broad agreement was reached on a way forward that will see Standards Australia, industry and government working together to expedite a new project.
The roundtable agreed to meet again in the coming weeks to progress work on the development of a project scope.
Representatives of industry and government organisations agreed to consult with their members generally on principles and scope of a new standard in preparation for the next roundtable.
Standards Australia will invite additional relevant interested organisations and broaden stakeholder participation at the next roundtable.
Stakeholders will regularly receive updates on discussions regarding the progress of work.