Second Energy Storage Standards Discussion Paper
Standards Australia’s second discussion paper on Energy Storage Systems is now available. Submissions should be sent to by Monday 22 August 2016.
This is a follow up from the first discussion paper, which can be found here.
Following discussions with stakeholders, it was decided that the forum previously tentatively scheduled for 26 July will be more beneficial if postponed until responses from this second round can be discussed. That future forum will be an opportunity to confirm next steps, including expressing support for or offering feedback on project proposals. In the meantime, there will be roundtable discussions on specific issues in this paper, including remote demand management technologies and performance measurement standardisation.
If you are interested in participating in these technical discussions, please notify National Sector Manager Jessica Curtis in an email with a clear subject line to
Standards Australia’s second discussion paper on Energy Storage Systems is now available. Submissions should be sent to by Monday 22 August 2016.
This is a follow up from the first discussion paper, which can be found here.
Following discussions with stakeholders, it was decided that the forum previously tentatively scheduled for 26 July will be more beneficial if postponed until responses from this second round can be discussed. That future forum will be an opportunity to confirm next steps, including expressing support for or offering feedback on project proposals. In the meantime, there will be roundtable discussions on specific issues in this paper, including remote demand management technologies and performance measurement standardisation.
If you are interested in participating in these technical discussions, please notify National Sector Manager Jessica Curtis in an email with a clear subject line to