Standards Australia Celebrates the Store’s First Anniversary
Wednesday 27 April 2022, marks the first anniversary of Standards Australia Store (Store).
The Store is a digital platform designed to deliver a frictionless experience for standards users. The digital platform has a powerful search functionality, allowing users to search across thousands of documents with detailed key words. The platform aims to provide best in class user experience.
Launching the Store was seen as an important step in improving access to Standards Australia’s publications, allowing for content to be used more broadly across the economy. The Store allows users to buy directly from Standards Australia.
Along with the Store, Standards Australia was pleased to launch Small Business Sets in the last year. Small Business Sets are low-cost, self-service, industry focussed packs aimed at small businesses and available by subscription. These curated content packs contain multiple standards, designed to be served in a modern digital environment, and at a low price to cater for a previously underserved part of the market.
The Store and Standards Australia’s distribution partners, are an integral part of Standards Australia’s ongoing commitment to make Standards Australia’s content in the Australian community affordable and accessible.
“The Store is part of Standards Australia’s vision to provide modern digital products which give consumers choices to best suit their needs. We are committed to making standards more accessible and look forward to providing more options for customers in the future,” said Stefan Savva, GM Commercial and Products, Standards Australia.
“We are pleased to recognise the Store’s first anniversary. This milestone could not be reached without the support of our contributors, members, stakeholders, and staff. I’d like to acknowledge and recognise everyone who supported this venture and the many people that continue to work tirelessly on the Store’s offering,” said Adrian O’Connell, Chief Executive Officer, Standards Australia.

Wednesday 27 April 2022, marks the first anniversary of Standards Australia Store (Store).
The Store is a digital platform designed to deliver a frictionless experience for standards users. The digital platform has a powerful search functionality, allowing users to search across thousands of documents with detailed key words. The platform aims to provide best in class user experience.
Launching the Store was seen as an important step in improving access to Standards Australia’s publications, allowing for content to be used more broadly across the economy. The Store allows users to buy directly from Standards Australia.
Along with the Store, Standards Australia was pleased to launch Small Business Sets in the last year. Small Business Sets are low-cost, self-service, industry focussed packs aimed at small businesses and available by subscription. These curated content packs contain multiple standards, designed to be served in a modern digital environment, and at a low price to cater for a previously underserved part of the market.
The Store and Standards Australia’s distribution partners, are an integral part of Standards Australia’s ongoing commitment to make Standards Australia’s content in the Australian community affordable and accessible.
“The Store is part of Standards Australia’s vision to provide modern digital products which give consumers choices to best suit their needs. We are committed to making standards more accessible and look forward to providing more options for customers in the future,” said Stefan Savva, GM Commercial and Products, Standards Australia.
“We are pleased to recognise the Store’s first anniversary. This milestone could not be reached without the support of our contributors, members, stakeholders, and staff. I’d like to acknowledge and recognise everyone who supported this venture and the many people that continue to work tirelessly on the Store’s offering,” said Adrian O’Connell, Chief Executive Officer, Standards Australia.