Wayfinding Standard (AS 1428.4.2) accessible public comment procedure
The ‘Wayfinding’ Standard (AS1428.4.2) relates to the provision of a built environment that is legible to people who are blind or vision impaired. This Standard is being produced in Accessible PDF and DAISY formats, which are designed to be read with commonly available screen reading software.
If you wish to comment on this Draft Standard and, due to vision impairment, you are unable to obtain the Draft Standard and submit public comments through the Standards Australia website, please email mail@standards.org.au to request a copy of the Draft Standard. Please include your full name and a contact telephone number, and confirm whether you would like to receive the Draft Standard in PDF and/or DAISY formats.
We will send you the Draft Standard along with instructions on how to email in your public comments.
Alternatively, you can call Standards Information Services at (02) 9237 6000 for more information.
The ‘Wayfinding’ Standard (AS1428.4.2) relates to the provision of a built environment that is legible to people who are blind or vision impaired. This Standard is being produced in Accessible PDF and DAISY formats, which are designed to be read with commonly available screen reading software.
If you wish to comment on this Draft Standard and, due to vision impairment, you are unable to obtain the Draft Standard and submit public comments through the Standards Australia website, please email mail@standards.org.au to request a copy of the Draft Standard. Please include your full name and a contact telephone number, and confirm whether you would like to receive the Draft Standard in PDF and/or DAISY formats.
We will send you the Draft Standard along with instructions on how to email in your public comments.
Alternatively, you can call Standards Information Services at (02) 9237 6000 for more information.