Critical and Emerging Technologies in South-East Asia

BSN's institution has been strengthened with the establishment of the Law No. 20/2014 about Standardization and Conformity Assessment; Governmental Regulation No. 34/2018 about National Standardization and Conformity Assessment System; Presidential Decree No. 4/2018 about the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia; and Chairman of BSN's Regulation No. 10/2018 about Organization and Governance of the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia. BSN is a government institution, but not a department or a ministry, having the responsibility for standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology activities in Indonesia. The Agency took over the function and duty of the Standardization Council of Indonesia (Dewan Standardisasi Nasional - DSN). The National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (Badan Standardisasi Nasional - BSN), was established in 1997 under the Presidential Decree 13/1997 and enhanced by the Presidential Decree No 166/2000.
The organization has the following function:
- To assess and draft national policies in the field of national standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology activities in Indonesia
- To coordinate the programmes and activities in the implementation of BSN's tasks
- To accelerate and empower stakeholders in the implementation of national programme on standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology in Indonesia
- To organize national and international cooperation on standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology
- To organize promotion, researches, and capacity building activities as well as general administratives related to standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation and metrology activities in Indonesia
- As notification body and enquiry point for the implementation of the TBT-WTO Agreement
Note: the duty and responsibility of activities related to the conformity assessment and accreditation is performed by the National Accreditation Body (KAN).