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The Role of Standards Australia in Trampoline Safety

February 15, 2018


Comments made in the media this morning, following a report into indoor trampoline parks, have highlighted the key role Australian Standards play in public safety.

The report, issued by respected experts from the industry, has found nearly 500 children presented to hospital emergency departments across three Australian states between 2012-2017 following injuries suffered at indoor trampoline parks.

“The safety concerns raised in the report are a primary reason standards continue to be so important to the Australian community,” said Dr Bronwyn Evans, CEO of Standards Australia. “The industry has acknowledged this as a concern, evidenced by the fact that a draft standard in this area is so far along the development process.”

The public comment for the draft standard, AS 5159, Trampoline Park Facilities, has recently closed following nine weeks of extensive consultation with a significant number of responses received.

“Once the standard is finalised, unless it is legislated, it is up to the industry to adopt this standard and commit to the benchmarks determined by industry as a whole,” said Dr Evans. “It is clear, from this report, that there are safety concerns to be addressed and the development and implementation of this standard will be one of many steps necessary to improve the public’s faith in this industry to continue to operate safely.”

A representative from Standards Australia is available for comment on the matter. Please contact our media line below to arrange.

Communications Department
The Role of Standards Australia in Trampoline Safety
Email and link here
Indoor trampoline park with various padded trampolines and obstacles arranged in a spacious area.

Comments made in the media this morning, following a report into indoor trampoline parks, have highlighted the key role Australian Standards play in public safety.

The report, issued by respected experts from the industry, has found nearly 500 children presented to hospital emergency departments across three Australian states between 2012-2017 following injuries suffered at indoor trampoline parks.

“The safety concerns raised in the report are a primary reason standards continue to be so important to the Australian community,” said Dr Bronwyn Evans, CEO of Standards Australia. “The industry has acknowledged this as a concern, evidenced by the fact that a draft standard in this area is so far along the development process.”

The public comment for the draft standard, AS 5159, Trampoline Park Facilities, has recently closed following nine weeks of extensive consultation with a significant number of responses received.

“Once the standard is finalised, unless it is legislated, it is up to the industry to adopt this standard and commit to the benchmarks determined by industry as a whole,” said Dr Evans. “It is clear, from this report, that there are safety concerns to be addressed and the development and implementation of this standard will be one of many steps necessary to improve the public’s faith in this industry to continue to operate safely.”

A representative from Standards Australia is available for comment on the matter. Please contact our media line below to arrange.

Communications Department
Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell
Communications Manager
+ 61 2 8099 6487