Ruling to AS/NZS 3000:2018 Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
Product Designation: AS/NZS 3000:2018 Rul 1:2024
Approval and test specification - Air-break switches
Product Designation: AS 3133:2020 Amd 1:2024
Solar energy - Vocabulary
Product Designation: AS/NZS ISO 9488:2024
Abstract: AS/NZS ISO 9488:2024 identically adopts ISO 9488:2022, which define basic terms relating to standardization in the field of the measurement of solar radiation and solar energy utilization in space and water heating, cooling, industrial process heating and air conditioning
Explosive atmospheres, Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety “e”
Product Designation: AS/NZS 60079.7:2016 Amd 1:2024